Alejandro García Juárez
Grado: Doctor, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), 2005
PROMEP: Perfil Deseable
Área de investigación: Sistemas Híbridos de Comunicaciones de Radiofrecuencia y Fibra Óptica.
Publicaciones selectas:
- Alejandro García-Juárez, Ignacio E. Zaldívar-Huerta, Antonio Baylón-Fuentes, María del Rocío Gómez-Colín, Jorge Rodríguez-Asomoza and Armando G. Rojas-Hernández, Reflected power measurement of antennas between 0 and 4 GHz using optical mixing of distributed feedback lasers, Radioengineering, Vol. 22, No. 4 pp. 1267-1274 December 2013. ISSN: 1210-2512. Impact Factor: 0.687 according to ISI Web of Knowledge and Journal Citation Reports.
- Ignacio Enrique Zaldivar-Huerta, Diego F Perez-Montaña, Pablo Hernandez-Nava, Alejandro García-Juárez, Jorge Rodriguez-Asomoza, Ana L. Leal-Cruz, Transmission system for distribution of video over long-haul optical point-to-point links using a microwave photonic filter in the frequency range of 0.01-10 GHz. Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 19, Issue 6 Part A December 2013, pp. 665-670. ISSN: 1068-5200. Impact Factor: 1.187 according to ISI Web of Knowledge and Journal Citation Reports.
- A. García-Juárez, I. E. Zaldívar-Huerta, J. Rodríguez-Asomoza, R. Gómez-Colín. Method to Transmit Analog Information By Using a Long Distance Photonic Link With DFB Lasers Biased In The Low Laser Threshold Current Region. Optical Engineering ISSN 0091-3286. Vol 51 (6) 065006, Junio 2012. Impact Factor: 0.880, according to ISI Web of Knowledge and Journal Citation Reports.